
Youth Network Event

Youth Network Event ”I am thankful to the Youth Network Event that empower young people and youth organizations fostering a real dialogue. I really feel youth voice matters.” Ilona Balint #EPyouthnetwork

We remember

Hate breeds monsters and leads to atrocious crimes like the Holocaust Hatred against ethnic, religious or racial groups can breeds monsters and leads to atrocious crimes like the Holocaust. Hate speech can underlie such a phenomenon in incipient form and can easily instigate to violence. ReAct Against Hate project fights hate speech and emphasizes human

Look Closer

Erasmus+ Project Look Closer was approved Good news at the end of the year from Erasmus+ Erasmus+ project  Look closer  was approved and will bring together young people from Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain. Thus, in 2021, 5 Erasmus mobilities are ready for implementation in Romania, plus other mobilities in the partner countries.
