Y-Touch – Erasmus+

The war and the violent events that began in 2010 in the Middle East have generated more than 10 million refugee children from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq seeking protection in Europe and neighboring countries.

The European Union and the governments of member countries make great efforts to cover the food costs, shelter and educational needs of refugee children, but racist feelings and attitudes, prejudices, discrimination and hostility towards refugees are increasing.

Project aim

The project aims to increase the capacity of youth workers and volunteers in partner organizations to promote awareness and empathy for refugee children in society through volunteer youth activities. We want to get a positive impact on social conflict situations based on the crisis of refugees that affect not only the local contexts of the project partners but also the whole Europe.


In this project will be involved 26 young volunteers and 5 leaders of organizations from Romania, Turkey, Italy and Bulgaria.

Project participants are young people aged 15-19. Participants of national minorities, migrants or refugees will also be involved.

Participants to this project are young people aged between15-19. Participants of national minorities, migrants or refugees will also be involved.


Project activities include daily meetings, getting to know each other, energizers, non-formal learning, workshops on migration, refugees, asylum seekers, methods of countering radicalization and racism. Participants also have the opportunity to learn about the history, geography and socio-cultural structure of Antalya through multiple visits to the most important objectives.

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