Regulations Be You 3×3 Challenge


-Regulations and participation conditions-

In order that our tournament to offer you a beautiful experience and the maximum points in FIBA ranking we have decided to make some changes on participation conditions to Be You 3×3 Challenge.

Since absenteeism affects organizational work and deprives present players of important points in FIBA ranking and of satisfaction to play all scheduled matches, we have decided to introduce a participation fee that discourages fictitious registrations. With this fee we will co-finance the setting up of a Multifunctional Youth Center, non-formal education activities, and we will support financially young people with fewer opportunities from all over the country who will participate in the international projects organized by Be You Association.


  • Open Man – The winning team receives a CEC of 5000 lei. 2nd and 3rd places will receive medals and various prizes offered by partners;
  • Open Women – The winning team receives a CEC of 2000 lei. 2nd and 3rd places will receive medals and various prizes offered by partners;
  • Youth Man (-18) – The winning team receives a CEC of 2000 lei. 2nd and 3rd places will receive medals and various prizes offered by partners;
  • -13 Mixed, -15 Man, -15 Women, Youth Women (-18), +35 Man, Enterprise – The first 3 places will receive cups, medals and various prizes offered by partners.

Eligibility conditions for players to Be You 3×3 Challenge tournament:

  • All players must have a validated account on with all data completed;
  • Team registration to competition must be validated by all players.
  • Team validation is made after paying the registration fee. The fee must be paid within a maximum of 2 days after registration into the accounts of Be You Association open at Banca Transilvania, RO38BTRLRONCRT0325795201- Ron or, for teams abroad, RO85BTRLEURCRT0325795201- Euro at InfoEuro INFOEURO exchange rate, valid on the day of payment. Each player will receive at check-in a T-shirt with the tournament official logo.
  • Team members who are not present at match time with at least 3 eligible players to play will have the right to participate in the next tournament organized by Be You Association where they want to register (regardless the team they will play) only after paying penalties of 50 euro per player;
  • The tournaments organized by Be You Association have in forefront fair-play, non-formal education, encouraging sport practicing as a factor in maintaining physical and mental health, encouraging direct socialization, using sport as a tool to counter social problems and create bridges between all participants (organizers, partners, players, spectators). For this reason, we will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct. These deviations from the purpose of tournament will be handled by officials, and those who have caused such acts will be excluded from Be You 3×3 Challenge community;
  • A player has the right to play in a single category;
  • In the Open Men category – -13, -15 and -18 players are not accepted;
  • In the Open Women category – -13, -15 players are not accepted:
  • In the Youth categories (- U18)  –   -13 and -15 players are not accepted;
  • In -15 categories – -13 players are not accepted;
  • In the +35 Man category – players with a minimum age of 35 are accepted.
  • In the Enterprise category – players hired of the same company / group are accepted.
  • After team registration and validation period, changes can not be made to the team composition, only in exceptional cases (proven injuries with medical records, force majeure situations proved with documents);

All players, by accepting the registration to the tournament, claim that they have read and understand the content, accept and respect the present document, the acceptance of participation being similar by signing this document and declare that:

  1. I understand that there are risks regarding my participation to Be You 3×3 Challenge competition;
  2. By this statement that I support, I discharge of any liability that may arise as a result of my injury and / or the loss of material goods by theft or other methods, the organizers of competition (Be You Association), members, volunteers, and other persons who are part of the organizing Committee. I also discharge Be You Association’s partners/sponsors involved in organizing Be You 3×3 Challenge competition;
  3. Also, by this statement I agree that the organizers of competition (Be You Association and Partners/Sponsors) to use for advertising and / or commercially purpose all images recorded on media during my participation to Be You 3×3 Challenge competition, without requiring any material advantage. In this sense, I understand and I agree that my image can be used in videos and advertising materials with the purpose to promote this event (or related events) and / or the image of its sponsors, partners or organizers. I agree that my personal data to be processed by Be You Association and by partners/sponsors of Be You 3×3 Challenge competition in accordance with the Competition Rules and the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No. 45/2001 (GDPR). The storage period of personal data will not exceed the time required to meet the purposes for that were collected or for that will be further processed. After this period, the data will be removed;
  4. I hereby declare that my state of health is adequate and allows me to participate to Be You 3×3 Challenge competition. I understand and agree that the organizers are not responsible in any way for any kind of injuries occured during my participation to Be You 3×3 Challenge. I also declare that I have read FIBA Regulation and that I compel to respect it;
  5. Also, I hereby declare that I have read, understand and I agree with the provisions of the Competition Regulation, and I going to obey organizers decision, whatever that may be, if it is found that I have committed acts of physical and / or verbal violence, indiscipline or any other behaviour that damages the organizers of Be You 3×3 Challenge competition. I understand that such behaviours may lead to my temporary or permanent suspension from competition;
  6. Also, by accepting the registration to the tournament, I declare that I have read and I accept in addition to the above rules, the general rules of the 3×3 basketball. The general rules of 3×3 basketball can be consulted here.

Be You Team
