Look Closer

LOOK CLOSER – following the fake news

Youth Exchange funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission

LOOK CLOSER – following the fake news. Social and political events in recent years revealed that media education is not only important, but absolutely essential. It depends a lot on the development of media skills if we become a tool for media or if we use media as a tool.


Period: 21 months (1 April 2021 – 31 December 2022)

Youth Exchange: 21-30 April 2022

Place: Targoviste, Dambovita Hotel

Participants: 30 young people

Participating country: Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal

Approached topics: media literacy, fake news, cyber attacks and cyber security


EU democratic societies depend on the ability of citizens, especially young people to access a variety of verifiable information. Thus, they can form a view on different issues that affects not only their community, but also the national and international communities.

In the context of fake news spreading, the ability of young people to use critical thinking in selecting the information about social and political events it is extremely important for the unity of Europe and its democratic future.


AsociaÈ›ia Be You – Romania – coordinator

Youth House – Bulgaria

DARNOJE – Lithuania

Youthfully Yours SK – Slovakia

Intercambia – Spain

AJITER – Portugal


The aim of the project is to increase media literacy skills among young people empowering them to become more engaged in society, to become active and informed citizens connected to the social and political events around them in a very informed way.


  • to promote media literacy education and its benefits among young people;
  • to develop media literacy skills of young people with focus on critical evaluation of media contents, information, critical understanding of political and social events;
  • to increase youth interest in being more engaged in the society participating actively at local, national and european democratic life,decision making process;
  • to raise awareness of young people from the participating local communities on the importance of media literacy for youth democratic participation.

LOOK CLOSER - following the fake news
