A new generation of social entrepreneurs
SoDivers aims to provoke the enablement of a new generation of trained social entrepreneurs who operate with the opportunities and resources in the civil sector, apply the principles of inclusion and equality, actively use and develop social capital in the face of modern youth, develop and implement working and innovative social services, create social enterprises as forms of employment and social inclusion of vulnerable groups.
The project follows a comprehensive approach by providing a closed cycle of training, mentoring support and a field for exchange of experience and cooperation and will equip experts of the civil society organizations and youth workers with the knowledge and practical skills they lack, methods and tools in the field of social economy and entrepreneurship, innovation and diversity. Thus will prepare them for the changing role of teams and experts.
The main goal of the project is the development of the competencies of the youth workers and NGO teams in the field of the social entrepreneurship as an alternative option for ensuring equality and employment for young people and the financial stability of the civil society organizations.
- Asociatia Be You (Romania);
- Asociacion Juvenil INTERCAMBIA (Spain);
- United Societies of Balkans (Greece);
- CEiS Ayrshire (United Kingdom);
- EPEKA (Slovenia);
- JOETZ vzw (Belgium);
- Bona Fides Civic Activity Association (Poland);
- MeOut Group (Hungary);
- Associaçâo Selfmade (Portugal)
Project objectives
1: Exchange of knowledge and experience on sustainable models and forms for effective social inclusion;
2: Raise the comprehension and management of the “social entrepreneurship”;
3: Provide support to youth workers in developing and implementing social economy solutions;
4: Create space for active cooperation, promotion and support for the development of initiatives by and for young people, using social economy.
Joint solutions for inclusion and equality
The project includes a mobility of youth workers and 4 online events for exchange of experience and cooperation, as well as communication activities.
1) SoDivers – Social Business to Drive Diversity and Inclusion Training for Youth Workers (mobility) – practically applicable and “tailored” to the civic practitioners training needs in the field of social economy for the development of knowledge and skills of the project partners’ representatives. The training course aims to present structurally the set of concepts, principles and processes of the social economy, the real life examples, the steps in developing the model of social entrepreneurship and the skills needed to apply a number of techniques and tools, as well as to provide opportunities for practical learning.
2) A preliminary online session that will bring together partner organizations and focus on EU youth policies. The discussion will aim to cover the views, issues and specifics of the work of partner organizations, to clarify the expectations of the participants regarding the upcoming training.
3) 3 consecutive online sessions, which will logically continue the topics of the training in order to deepen the conversation and open opportunities for cooperation, development and support of the ideas. They will expand the impact of the training course and will provide for scaling working approaches and ideas. The project partners will be actively involved in the sessions, sharing expertise and national context and will cover the topics:
- Social economy
- Diversity and inclusion;
- Financing of civil society organizations.
Profile of the participants in the training
Youth workers who:
- develop an interest in working with young people from vulnerable groups;
- develop activities in the field of equality and human rights, empowerment, education and employment of youth.
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