Cetățenie Activă

Cetățenie activă (Active Citizenship)

Curs de Training finanțat prin programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene

Proiectul Cetățenie Activă (Active Citizenship), 2018-1-RO01-KA105-048936, cofinanțat prin programul Erasmus+ și coordonat de Asociația Be You în parteneriat cu  European Youth Centre Breclav ZS.Cehia, Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas Lituania, Cool Youth Macedonia, General Workers Union Malta, Associação Academia Cidadã Portugalia și Youthfully Yours SR Slovacia, a reprezentat al 15-lea proiect al Asociației Be You și primul Training Erasmus+ organizat în Târgoviște. Mobilitatea proiectului a însemnat 10 de zile de activități pe tema cetățeniei active, a participării tinerilor la viața democratică, implicarea în procesul decizional și stimularea acestora de a deveni cetățeni activi și responsabili. Cursul de training a cuprins activități precum:  ateliere practice, dezbateri, discuții și prezentări interactive, lucrul în echipă, simulări, creare de campanii advocacy și de noi proiecte pentru tineri. Aceste activități s-au desfășurat în locații diferite ale orașului Târgoviște: Hotel Valahia, Complexul Turistic de Natație și Curtea Domnească din Târgoviște. Astfel, cei 34 de participanți au identificat cauzele neimplicării tinerilor în procesul decizional și slaba participare, găsind soluții și metode pentru a încuraja și a crește numărul tinerilor care participă la viața civică și contribuie la continuitatea democrației și buna funcționare a societății. Schimbul de bune practici, experiență și cunoștințe au generat găsirea de soluții reale și ușor aplicabile. De asemenea, campaniile de advocacy și planurile de proiecte concepute în cadrul activităților au fost dezvoltate de către toate organizațiile partenere asigurând un impact puternic în rândul tinerilor.

Obiectivele proiectului au fost:

  • Creșterea nivelului de cunoștințe a lucrătorilor de tineret în promovarea participării democratice a tinerilor la nivel național și european;
  • Consolidarea abilităților lucrătorilor de tineret de a alege, adapta și implementa noi metode de educație nonformală;
  • Dezvoltarea profesionalismului lucrătorilor de tineret în relația cu beneficiarii serviciilor oferite;
  • Promovarea participării active a tinerilor la viața democratică și civică;
  • Generarea de noi proiecte Erasmus+ și parteneriate între organizațiile participante.

Rezultate proiectului s-au concretizat în:

  • rezultate intangibile: competențe, cunoștințe, comportamente și atitudini acumulate pe durata proiectului.
  • rezultate tangibile:  materialele obținute în cadrul proiectului. Cele mai semnificative dintre acestea sunt:
  1. – metode pentru a stimula participarea tinerilor;
  2. – campanii advocacy;
  3. – proiecte Erasmus+;
  4. – sondaj de opinie;
  5. – broșura proiectului.

Album foto:

Active Citizenship - Erasmus+ Training Course

Promovare și diseminare locală, națională și europeană:

European Youth Centre Breclav ZS.Cehia

”Our NGO members are now more experienced and competent thanks to taking part in this project as the participants shared their experiences, expertise, activities and knowledge they gained during this project.”

Linkuri relevante:

Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas Lituania

Linkuri relevante:

Cool Youth Macedonia

Linkuri relevante:

General Workers Union Malta

”The members who participated have gained social skills, which is reflecting in their activities. They have gained more confidence, leadership and communication skills. The participants have become active role models for other youths. They are participating on a national level in different events.”

Linkuri relevante:

Associação Academia Cidadã Portugalia

Linkuri relevante:

Youthfully Yours SR Slovacia

”Thanks to participants attended at the project Active Citizenship was increase interest of young people in democratic life, in knowledge of state institutions, citizens rights and freedoms. Their active participation at the training course brought with their back home higher responsibility within the community where they come from.”

Linkuri relevante:

Asociația Be You

Linkuri relevante:




Isidora – Macedonia

”This project feels to me like a new door that has been opened. I think the discussions were good and the people were actively contributing.”

Lucian – Romania

”It was the best project that I took part of. Everything was great: accommodation, food, activities were very interesting and the group was very nice.”

Ines – Portugal

”Thank you so much for this opportunity. This is the first time that I’m participating on an Erasmus+ training course. I’ve learned so much and it was a privilege to be surrounded by so many amazing people, with so many ideas and perspectives to share.”

Luke – Malta

”I learned a lot about how other NGO’s operate, I Iearned that all countries have different social, economical issues and what solves our problems might not help other. I can see how much work goes into these project and I respect the effort shown by the host organization to make a very successful event.”

Kurt – Malta

”A great experience, always very informative. Great because I learned new cultures, made new friends and partners for future projects.”

Andreea – Romania

”This project gave me the opportunity to know many beautiful and active young people, to learn from their experience, to share and to find out new information.”

Beatrice – Romania

”I like this project because I have met a lot of interesting people with very strong beliefs. They are very intelligent, creative, active and I am sure they will use their knowledge and energy to change this world.”

Alexandru – Romania

”For me this project was a step forward in my life, a step forward on my dream of working with young people. I liked the way of how the sessions were happening, I liked the methods used because it was very interactive.”

Matthew – Malta

”This project was awesome! I appreciate your time, dedication and effort to make this project a successful one.”

Laura – Malta

”It was a very interesting and informative project, I surely don’t regret coming. I hope there will be more projects like this in the future.”

Dejan – Macedonia

”This project was amazing. This project will help me in my professional and private life, because I have gained and developed a lot of skills. I am leaving this project happy.”

Tomas – Portugal

”An Erasmus project is much more than just participating in activities. They are constitutive, which means that we, the participants, are the ones that `make` the project. I feel that everybody has something to give or something to teach.”

Egle – Lithuania

”Thank you for an amazing time that I had here! I loved most of the project activities and the people here are amazing! I will miss this after I go home to everyday life. Thank you for making our life better!”

Vane – Macedonia

”This project was amazing. I met a lot of nice people. Each of them had an interesting personality an different attitude towards anything.”

Henrich – Slovakia

”In conclusion and with view of the project as a whole I can say that it was very useful and my level of civic participation increased, what was the reason I chose this project.”

Diana – Slovakia

”The project encouraged me to make a contribution in my community and mainly, as every project, taught me to be open-minded and curious about the world around me.”

Miguel – Portugal

”My life is always changing. And until now, it is in projects like this that I am able to take the most out of it. From the people, to the learning activities, it is like I am able to every time discover and express myself better. I am thankful for the opportunity of being here and of meeting everyone that I had met here. Thank you Ilona, Be You Association, thank you Erasmus+ and thank you everyone that shared this experience with me.”

Tereza – Slovakia

”This project gave me so many experiences, skills, new better opportunities and memories, it’t too hard to leave. I’m honored I’ve got a chance to be here with all of the awesome, open-minded people who showed me different things about life and world.”

Martin – Czech Republic

”The project was very interesting and informational. I think it was very well organized. I enjoyed the topic of active citizenship and meeting all different participants who were nice to me. I enjoyed debates, working in groups, sharing my opinions.”

Paulina – Slovakia

”I think about how many things I have learned during this project, but there are to many for me to can describe in only few sentences. So I want to make this thoughts as a big thank to all the people that participated in this TC and all of them gave me a different type of experiences.”

Juste – Lithuania

”I have got a lot of useful information and I have improved my knowledge in active citizenship. But the most amazing thing in this project was that all people here get in contact between each other very quickly so that is why is hard to come back home. All in all I “close” my summer amazingly.”

Petr- Czech Republic

”Project like this always create the best memories in my like. Your organization did a great job preparing this training course. It was emotional, it was inspirational and it was fun. Continue spreading the knowledge, you are the best. Make the world great again.”

Tereza – Slovakia

”This was one of the best project I have been till now. I have been on three projects, but for me it was one of the most interesting. I met a lot of interesting people here from various backgrounds. I learnt a lot about other cultures. I also improve my English, especially my speaking skills. I learnt to be more confident, active and not be shy when I present in front of other people. I learnt more about active citizenship and political situations in other countries. I realize how important to be more active in active citizenship and voting and that our future is in our hands. Erasmus+ projects are very useful and when you have project with interesting is more better.”

Silvie – Czech Republic

”This project was my project after one year. I have almost forgotten how does it feel to be part of such a big group. The topic of active citizenship is something which needs to be discussed and we manage to do it here. I have already participated in a different similar project about active citizenship and being a part of it this time gave me a new perspective.”

Anna – Czech Republic

”It was great, I really liked basically everything about this project. I also want just say thank you for accepting me on this project because I got to know so much about this topic and it motivated me so much. I definitively want to know more about this topic.”

Dominykas – Lithuania

”I’ve had an amazing time here. Not only I’ve gain a lot of knowledge about active citizenship. I want to thank Ilona for being an amazing trainer. I really enjoyed everything you provided us with, all activities, energizers, accommodation. Really, really wonderful time.”

Violeta – Macedonia

”This project is supper. I learned to make plan for project.”

Egle – Lithuania

”Ilona is awesome, best trainer ever. But seriously, I never saw someone putting that much work and love into an Erasmus+ project. It was the best.”

Calendarul Proiectului Erasmus+

Cetățenie Activă (Active Citizenship)

Târgoviște 15 iunie 2018 – 14 ianuarie 2019

20-29 august 2018

Training Course

29 septembrie 2018

Be You, Be Active!

19 octombrie 2018

Mă implic, îmi pasă

6 decembrie 2018

Fii #ActivPentruEuropa!

14 decembrie 2018

Împreună Construim Europa

14 ianuarie 2019

Conferință de final



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